I began my teaching career in 1995. Over the past 18 years, I have integrated information technology into my instructional process and curriculum development. I have accomplished this by looking for technology that improved student learning and made me a more effective teacher. My guiding question when evaluating technology has been “What technology will help students achieve learning objectives?”
The connection students’ have through the internet is the seed of the next great leap. Students use the internet to have access to learning materials, peers, experts, tools, and file storage. The internet is no longer just a collection of information. It is a dynamic backbone for personal education networks. Educational Networks promote strong instructional processes using one to one programs and bring your own device programs. The role of the teacher is moving to the facilitator, and the role of the student is moving to the producer. Student learning objectives are becoming more performance based to reflect the tools and access students now have. The ultimate goal is students creating quality products that reflect the transfer of concepts.
Teachers need to be familiar with the Web 2.0 tools and Cloud computing to facilitate students. In many cases, this requires sound professional development in immersive experiences. Teachers trained in Web 2.0 tools through the use of Web 2.0 tools will be most successful. Strong professional development also enables teachers to create personal learning networks (PLNs). Teachers use PLNs to discuss exploring new technology tools. When possible teachers should be trained and encouraged to develop their own technology tools. Web developers created environments that make this an achievable goal for most teachers.
Curriculum needs to be designed to include interactive technology seamlessly with instructional concepts. Curriculum support materials can no longer only be paper bound books. Digital and interactive textbooks need to be explored to support the curriculum goals. Technology is no longer a tool to enhance a concept. Technology is an essential part of everything students do, and employers expect students to accomplish when they move into their career path.
My goals include researching and developing technology tools. I strive to improve teacher training in these tools and teacher training in developing their own tools. I continue to review technology to help students achieve learning objectives. My overriding goal is to design curriculum and technology plans that will support students growing as future producers.
How has teaching with technology affected the way you do things and your vision for the future?