I ask myself and others the question “How can we get our students to become produces?” It was just recently published that we will have a space elevator in 10 years. We are on the verge of major advances in all fields of science and technology. It is imperative that our students move from consumers to producers to be successful in the future. As teachers we need to help our students find the tools to develop those products. I believe programming is a great way for students to become produces quickly. A tool that I am now experimenting with is AppBuilder. This developer tool was featured on VirtCon: Free & Easy Ways to Wow Your Students & Parents by Heidi Morgan (about 11 min in) This tool is currently only available for iDevices. Another tool to use is AppyPie this tool is available for most platforms. Both of these tools can be mimicked using some HTML5 and CSS but that is a jumping point for your students into more advanced programming. Others include Apps-Builder , AppsBar, and EachScape. (Some of these cost money to publish but are free to create) These are a new generation of apps called Web Apps. These are all browser based and allow for a cross platform experience. No app store, no developers licence, no hoops to jump through. Students are able to become producers now. What apps might they make? That is the question for them….Give them a problem to solve and some tools to solve them. For example: “Find a way to communicate with a group of people and guide them on a tour of our home town pointing out all of the natural habitats” This could be done with a video, an audio file, a prezi, a Google presentation, or a Web App. Limiting them or telling them a tool they have to use might miss the point of the exercise. The goal is for the students to become producers of something new. Get out and help your students create!!!